Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hello World!

So, I started a VSG Blog!!!

I wanted to do this, because there is so much I want to say sometimes that I cannot say on Facebook, or on my may not be updated regularly, but when I have a lot to say, I will post it here :)

Today I want to talk about Weight loss surgery in general and people who say it is "Taking the easy way out" Which is utter ridiculousness! And here are some of the reasons:

1. Weight loss surgery is only a tool, but I still have to use it!

Having most of my stomach removed has helped me to reduce the amount of food I am eating. I now can only eat 3 ounces of food at a sitting and am eating 4-5 times a day to get as much nutrition as possible. Now, I can choose to eat pasta, rice, fast food, junk food and cookies all day, but I don't. I choose to put healthy food into my body, because this is my second chance at life. I made this choice before I had surgery, but for me, putting my money where my mouth was meant something bigger. It was a way of reinforcing to myself that I meant what I said. I will get healthy and I will make this positive change in my life for my body, for my kids, and for the work I have here to do in the world. You wouldn't tell someone building a house that using a hammer is taking the easy way out...this is the same. I was given a tool to help me with a daunting life change, and I am using it!

2. It is far from "Easy"!

This is by far, one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. Even I did not know how hard it would be before having surgery. There are so many reasons that I was overweight, my self worth was almost non-existent, my eating habits were based on emotions and how I was feeling that day, I was covering up pain and sadness by stuffing it down with food, I was raised with less than healthy eating habits that stuck with me into adulthood, I had hormonal issues that caused me to lose wight very slowly, so I would get discouraged easily. All of these reasons for overeating and eating badly had to be dealt with...right after surgery. Imagine being forced to deal with all of your childhood demons, your emotional drawbacks and your need to self medicate...right now. The surgery took away my ability to use food as a source of emotional medication. And that is hard!

3. "You can lose weight on your own, you're just not trying hard enough"

Hmmm...yeah, this one is tricky. Because to do this, I would have had to deal with all of my reasons for over eating (See above) and change my diet and lifestyle at the same time to start to lose weight and feel better about myself. This is not impossible, but for me, it seemed like a daunting and impossible task. Yes there are people who do it everyday, I was not one of those people. It is almost like saying, "Oh, you are depressed, well so was I, and I got over it and made myself happy. You don't need medication or counseling, just the right mindset!" I am glad that is working for you, but some people need medication, and therapy...sometimes people need the right tools to get the job done, and everyone has levels of what they can and can't do by themselves...this was something I couldn't do on my own.

4. "Eat Less, and Move more"

This is one of my favorite skits of Mad TV! It seems so true, and simple...If you haven't seen the skit, I highly recommend you look for it on almost peed my pants!
This sounds like such a simple thing to less, and get up off your butt and move. But for a huge amount of people who are overweight, the practicality of it seems overwhelming...So now, I have to deal with the emotional reasons I overeat, put them aside, change my eating habits, change my exercise habits, and take care of kids, spouses, work and everything else I do at the same time. And some people who are overweight CAN'T do it! That just sounds exhausting. After my surgery I was actually able to start small...I was being forced to change my emotional response to food, because my tool wouldn't allow me to use food anymore in this way. I was able to start losing weight and seeing that coming off, I was able to feel better in general and build my self esteem. Then, as my physical ailments were released, I was able to start building new and healthy habits. These habits are forming still and everyday I have to challenge myself to get up, and get out there and make my life what I want it to be. Using this tool, I have been able to gradually do all of the things necessary in my life to make this change, BUT, I STILL DO IT! Everyday it is my choice to live this healthy life, or go back to my old one! The surgery didn't do it, I did!

5. This is my journey, not yours.

What a different world we would live in, if we could just accept that everyone is on a different path. Everything from Religious beliefs, sexual orientation, Career choices...everyone seems to think that their opinions matter to the lives of others. They don't. You don't have to offer support of things you don't agree with something either, but it is very much like Thumper in Bambi...if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. Please don't take this the wrong way, you matter as a person, but if you are a true friend to someone, you will not break down their journey and make it all about you. It isn't about you, it isn't your life. You don't know what is going on in the mind, and life of someone else...maybe if you were in their shoes, you would make a different choice, but you aren't. The only person you have control over is make your life amazing in whatever way you deem fit, and let everyone else do the same :)

1 comment:

  1. I unconditionally support you in your efforts to become healthy! I have fought the same condition and thought the same thoughts all my life! Love you and Love when you come to WVCSL to sing for us! Patricia Wills
